Clearwater, Florida


Boy Scout Troop 313 Returns Victorious from Summer Camp

Boy Scout Troop 313, chartered by the Church of Scientology in Clearwater, came back from their week-long summer camp at Camp Sand Hill, earning a series of awards and nearly 40 merit badges between the scouts.

Boy Scout Troop 313, chartered to the Church of Scientology FSO, after their week-long summer camp, where they earned nearly 40 merit badges between them.
Boy Scout Troop 313, chartered by the Church of Scientology FSO, after their week-long summer camp, where they earned nearly 40 merit badges between them.

Among the various awards the troop earned, Andrew Lumsden, Senior Patrol Leader and Life Scout, received 2nd place in the campwide archery competition with 24 bullseyes as well as the “Golden Falcon Award,” for troop leadership. Three adult leaders, Kevin Sorrells, Delphine Nasr and William Harris, received the “Scoutmaster Meritorious Achievement” recognition by the Camp Commissioner.

Boy Scout summer camp is a yearly activity for most troops, including Troop 313. Nine Scouts and three adult leaders from the troop continued this tradition. For three of the nine scouts, it was their first time attending a summer camp.

L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Scientology and Eagle Scout himself, felt that Scouting was very important. He mentioned that the training he received saw him safely through the Second World War, of which he was a US Naval Officer.

L. Ron Hubbard said, “Of all the various information which became important to me, such as photography, woodlore, signaling and many other subjects, the basis of it was laid in Scouting. I am very indebted to a great many, very fine men who gave their time and attention to a restless, boisterous and extremely active boy and teenager, and I must have tried their patience many times but I never heard of it from them.”

Troop 313 is open to boys of any faith, as with any troop. Boys in the Scouting program are encouraged to be faithful and loyal, as laid out in the Scout Oath and Law.

About the Church of Scientology:

The Scientology religion was founded by humanitarian and philosopher, L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in the United States in 1954 and has expanded to more than 11,000 churches, missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 165 nations. Scientologists are optimistic about life and believe there is hope for a saner world and better civilization, and actively do all they can to help achieve this. The Church of Scientology regularly engages in many humanitarian programs, such as anti-drug campaigns, human rights campaigns and global education programs. To learn more, visit